Lance England

Google Hangout with Boris Hristov

This past Monday I had the pleasure of participating in a Google Hangout with Boris Hristov (blog | @BorisHristov), my new SQL Server friend from Bulgaria. Boris is a SQL Server trainer, and a Board member for the local Bulgarian SQL Server user group. I ran across a recording of Boris’s first Google hangout and left a comment on it. The next thing I know he invited to join the next one :) I still am amazed at how technology allows a couple people like Boris and I to discover each other with a shared interest, have a free intercontinental video call, and be able to post and share it, all with minimal effort. Amazing times we live in.

The topic for the Hangout was “How to get started in Business Intelligence”. There is no one way, but I shared a path that I took, and maybe it could work for someone else. We also touched a little on the role of statistics and the influence of cloud computing. I have included a few links in show notes below.

The sound quality while I’m talking isn’t great, so I think I will invest in a microphone for future hangouts. Thanks again to Boris for inviting me to participate. The #sqlfamily knows no borders.

Show Notes

12 Jun 2013 Permalink analysis